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A Present to Smally

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The baby arrived in the year of the dragon so what else could one give her than a baby dragon made of stamps of course. This is the second time already to start my comments with as a new baby has arrived to our family.


We were expecting Emily, or her nickname little Smally, my husband’s second granddaughter with great love. I prepared our present to Smally and her parents in the spirit od the dragon again. I transformed a bit the lovable baby dragon mase of cross- stitched model and she also got a crown on her head. As an addition family pet Winston (Sir, Churchill) is also figured on the picture. I used Polish stamps again. A part of the stamp was used for the baby dragon while the remaining part of the stamps made for the background. I like this technique although it demands enormous amount of work and time to make the small pieces. The little dog was made of stamps belonging to the same series.

Size:  50 x 33 cm
Status: in private property

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