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Womanext Business Academy, Debrecen, 2024


 The story started on the Spring Stampex Exhibition last May. We participated already on a Stampex Phare and Exhibition in London in the year of 2019. Since covid Stampex has several times been organized as an online event.  Read more ->

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Liszt Institute, Brussels, 2023


   One can find the Brussels centre of the Liszt Institute, the international network of the Hungarian government in a tipical small street close to Cathedral St. Michael and St. Gudule. Ambassador Tamas Ivan Kovacs Hugary’s Brussels envoy opened here exhibition Stamp on September 19. Read more ->


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Covent Garden Opera, London, 2023


    London ballet lovers celebrated Carlso Acosta for five consequtive nights in the Covent Garden Opera. He is considered by citics to be the heir of Rudeolf Nureyev, best dancer of the 20th century. The artist who is praised both as dancer and director returned to the Royal Opera House, the venue of his outstanding successes for a short time to enjoy the love readiated towards him by fans. Read more ->



Library Daniel Berzsenyi, Szombathely, Hungary, 2023


The 110th anniversary of the death of the famous Hungarian poet Sandor Weores is on June 22, 2023. Nine artists, related to the County Vas received therefore a request to make an art piece inspired by poet Weores to commemorate this day. Read more ->


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Gallery Palota,
Community and Cultural Center Csokonai, Budapest, 2023


We were very glad to have this exhibition as the invitation was received in the beginning of May only. The stamp collectors of Rakospalota invited us originally to take part in their exhibition with two – three pictures only but... 



House of Art and Literature, Pecs, 2023


The core of my second exhibition in the city of Pecs was given by my special relationship to art and in this case to painters. Many painters are related to this nice city and moreover, two days after the date of the exhibition opening comes the 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death. In the opinion of many art lovers he was the greatest artist of the XXth century. Read more ->



Stefania Palace, Budapest, 2022


The fact that the photo over this piece is news is the same as a year ago intends to emhasise that this exhibition has got to be a tradition for me already. This is already the fourth occasion I take part in the yearly exhibition of the Aron Gabor Stamp Collectors Group of the Hungarian Armed Forces and now really as the member of the family already. Read more ->



Picture handover, Luton, Great-Britain


I made my picture titled God Save the Queen in the time of my Luton exhibition already. My intention with making it was to render thanks to Luton Town and Culture Trust Luton for organizing my exhibition in Stockwood. Read more ->


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Hunfilex2022 World Stamp Exhibition & World Championship


Hunfilex2022 World Stamp Exhibition & World Championship was opened on March 31 in the Groupama Arena in Budapest to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of MABEOSZ, The Association of Hungarian Stamp Collectors. President of Hungary Mr Janos Ader took part in the opening ceremony while President of the Hungarian Parliament Mr Laszlo Kover delivered an opening speech. Read more ->


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Stockwood Discvery Centre, Luton, United Kingdom


My exhibition series connected to the „great stamp semester” started on Saturday January 29 in Luton. Instead of writing about the opening event myself I cite the article written by Londoner Veronika R.Hahn published in the February 1 issue of Hungarian daily Nepszava. Read more ->



Stefania Palace, Budapest, 2021


It was the third year already when my pictures took part in the yearly exhibition of the Aron Gabor Stamp Collectors Group of the Hungarian Armed Forces. This was a very great privilage even if I could not participate personally because of health reasons. My husband represented me and we had on board also one of our very kind colegues Matyas Budai. Read more ->


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International Eucharistic Congress, Budapest, Ars Sacra Festival


I received a honourable invitation some weeks prior to the opening of the International Eucharistic Congress from the Ars Sacra Foundation. They offered me to set up an exhibition of my stamp pictures in the frames of the cultural events accompanying the Congress. Read more ->



Artist from Debrecen presents her stamp pictures in a Rome palace

2021. july

The Debrecen based magazine Civis Café made an interview with me right after my first exhibition already, in December 2018. After my Spring exhibitions they approached me with a new request to talk, let me present the new interview. Read more ->



“Stamp etuds” – exhibition opening in Oradea


The St. Ladislaus Festival in Oradea has been organized already ninths time this year. King St. Ladislaus was the founder of the city. This city festival offers many events full of culture and joy. Every one in the city was waiting for this year’s feast with great excitement as the last one was cancelled because of the pandemics. Read more ->


Artistical journey


I had the opportunity to present my picture Autumn in Luton Hoo to the readers of the latest edition of the international magazine marie Claire



Litera-Tura – a roaming in modern literature


Owing to Eva Hajnal, editor of journal Litera-Tura my pictures has got space in this periodical. Litera-Tura is a monthly journal presenting many nice and interesting pieces of literature to the readers. Eva illustrates the poems and novels she presents with pieces of fine art of on artist every month.



Magazine Kalamaris


It is always a joy to take part in exhibitions but nowadays owing to the pandemic there are very few opportunities unfortunately. The artistic activity, however, goes on, new and newer pictures are born. But what are the pictures good for if I cannot present them to other people?



From the Holy Father to the Eden


The latest issue of the art magazine Premier – all the world’s a stage appeared early November presenting a report on hour trip to Rome on pages 62, 63 (see the earlier news of the website).

One can read articles in the issue about people like Anton Molnár, Robert Capa, Jiri Menzel, Meryl Streep written by famous authors among them Ferenc Baranyi, Orsolya Karafiáth, Zsuzsa Vadas, István Nemes or Krisztián Nyáry.

I would like to say a great thank you here as well to Tamas Kárpáti, owner of the Hungarikon collection and founder, chief editor of the Premier magazine.


Stefania Palace, Budapest, 2020


The Aron Gabor Stamp Collectors’ Group opened their yearly exhibition on October 26 in the Stefania Palace. This exhibition is a great honour for me as the chief organizer, Tibor Mandi had asked me to make a stamp picture, the logo of the exhibition titled „Stamp Kaleidoskop”.



Vatican city


We were invited to take part in the General Pontifical Audience upon the invitation of te Papal Household where we wre happy to be there despite of the worldwide pandemic. 



Picture Viewers’ Gallery 


The following words appeared on the website the other day:



Nunciature - Budapest, 2020


My picture titled “…the bread we break, the cup we bless…” was made for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, it was intended to be exhibited on the exhibition organized by The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary. Because of the well-known reasons the Congress has been postponed for one...



„THE ORDINARY STAMP'S BEAUTY” - Budapest, HungarianPost, 2020


Read the article about the artist published in the online journal of the Hungarian Post!  Read more ->


Stamp Museum - Facebook, 2020


My exhibition was opened in the Stamp Museum on March 6 but all the museums, galleries were closed down only several days later due to the Corona virus epidemic. We discussed this topic on the opening ceremony as well and did not know how many people would attend. Fortunately a great audience... Read more ->


Stamp Museum - Budapest, 2020


Our cooperation with the Hungarian Post started already a year ago. I have been supported by them since with the active assistance of the manager of the Philately Department Imre Marozsan. He contacted me to the Stamp Museum as well, where my second exhibition of this year was organized. A part of the pictures had been... Read more ->


Entomology Days -Budapest, 2020


The Hungarian Entomological Society held the 17th Entomology Days on February 21 – 22, 2020. To commemorate the Days the Association organized also a contest for pieces of art too. According to the invitation „Artist can apply with their own authentic paintings or other objects of art figuring any kind of insects.” When I read this invitation I was just w ... Read more ->


Hatszin Teatrum – Theatre of Six Colours, Budapest, 2020


One and a half year after my first exhibition I started to opean the way to a new audience. Just to remind, I said in an earlier interview the followings:„It as a very good feeling for me that I can make happy people with with my pictures. It is very good to see when visitors leave the exhibition hall with a happy smile on their lips. ... Read more ->


Autumn Horticultural Days, Budapest, 2019


On the last day of the Hunfila Exhibition. I received a very honalabble phone call from dr. Lajos Komiszar, professor of the Szent István University. He invited me to take part in the „7th Chamber Exhibition of Floral Art Pieces” organized by ... Read more ->


Stefania Palace, Budapest, 2019


Something like one year after my first exhibition MABEOSZ, the organization of the Hungarian stamp collectors invited me to participate in the Hunfila -2019 International Stamp exhibition, the Hungarian adequate to the Stampex London. I got the possibility ... Read more ->


Opening ceremony – 2019, Kölcsey Center, Debrecen


The day of the ceremony was a Monday, it was to start at 3,00 pm. We hanged the pictures the preceeding day together with the staff of the Kölcsey Center. Thanks to them the technical part was theirs, we had only to decide the order of the pictures only. Read more ->


Flower Carnival in Debrecen – 2019


I have got the privilage to make an exhibition int he frames of the 2018 Flower Carnival the opening of which will be at 15,00 on August 12 in the Kölcsey Center of the city where visitors will see 27 picures all of which are related in some way to flowers which is the central topic of the Festival.  Invitation ->


Meeting with the Ambassador of the Netherlands


In the end of June we visited the Embassy of the Dutch Kingdom in Budapest upon the invitation of Ambassador René van Hell. I took a picture with me which was made after our first trip to the Netherlands and bears the title „Bicycle”. Our contacts with the country were started many years ago when a Dutch girl, Petra joined theam team of the Immanual...  Read more ->


Hungary and Albania



...The afterlife of the picture however is not an everyday story at all. I painted it in Debrecen and it was first exhibited for the public. It was then taken to London and was on show at the 2019 Stampex, the largest British stamp exhibition and fair in the Islington Design Center. The next stop on this interesting journey was the Royal Residence in Tirana...  Read more ->


Stamp present


I have received a kind invitation from the Association of Hungarian Stamp Collectors to participate in the Hunfila – 2019 exhibition in October in the very nice Stefania Palace in Budapest. We visited the organizers this week at the exhibition venue. They met me with a surprize present meening a big package of stamps. My daughter Zsofi started to „manage” the stamps at once upon our arrival home. I would like to express my gratitude for his kindness to Tibor Mándi, president of the Gabor Aron Samp Collectors Group of the Hungarian Armed Forces. Click here for some pictures!


From London to the Netherlands


Sportcentrum De Mammoet, Gouda

April 17-20 2019

Gouda is not only the world famous city of cheese, but also a well renowned philatelic city. For over 25 years the International Fair De Brievenbeurs for stamps, postmarks and postal histrory is held exactly in this building. So „everybody” knows: Easter Friday and Satrurday: Brievenbeurs! This year however philatelists gathered in another place, in Sportcenter De Mammoet... Read more ->

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Stamp Art and Rythm Bread


Water Tower, Debrecen

This Wednesday I participated in a very interesting event in the Debrecen Water Tower. It was one of the series „Just an evening” titled this time as „Stamp Art and Rythm Bread”. Interesting isn’t it? I was  looking for the evening with great interest as I was not just a visitor but it was me to represent stamp art at the event. Zsuzsa and Zsofi, my best friends accompanied me. Their presence was a really good support... Read more ->

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Just an evening


Just an evening: stamp art a ritmic bakery together

February 27, 2019

Great Forest Water Tower, Debrecen


A package arrived


A package, the generous support of the Hungarian Post, containing many thousands of stamps  arrived the other day. We, together with my Mum and daughter who ar ethe main helpmates of me unfolded it in great excitement. We received many, many very nice stamps and what is even more important we received at least fifty pieces of each type.

Click here for more pictures!

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Reflections upon an exhibition


Stampex International

Business Design Centre, London, Islington

February 13-16 2019

Stampex stamp exhibition and expo has been organized for many years in London in every Spring and even Autumn. This is the largest stamp show in the UK held in the Islington Business Design Center... Read more ->


My next exhibition at Stampex


Stampex International

Business Design Centre, London, Islington

February 13-16 2019


The very first exhibition


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