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GALERIA KALO, April 24, 2020, Tirana


 „GALERIA KALO came across an interesting self-made Hungarian artist quite spontaneously. It was only 5 years ago when Czimer-Szendrei Judit started to create artworks by recycling “thrown out” stamps, and giving them new value but, all of a sudden, the hobby turned into a passion. She was encouraged by visitors to her first exhibition The first exhibition with 35 pieces was in October 2018 in Debrecen and especially by the owner of the Antal-Lusztig Collection who appreciated her works. So, she went on with a second exhibition in Stampex, London in February 2019, then another in Gouda (The Netherlands), another in Stefania Palace at the Hunfila, another in the Hatszin Teatrum, another in the Autumn Horticultural Days organized by the Szent István University and another in the Stamp Museum in Budapest.


Her painting Together with the Christ was collected by the Common House of the Greek Catholic Church in the city of Vasarosnameni, but her picture titled Cirque had an interesting fate. It travelled many miles to reach the Royal Palace in Tirana, Albania, where Leka Zogu the 2nd, the heir and grandson of King Zog I and Geraldina, lives with his wife.


Creating artworks with stamps may look easy, but Judit says it is not. She thanks her mother and her daughter who are assisting her and finally her husband, Joszef, who keeps an eye as manager. So, an adventure can become a family project, she ends.”

Click here to watch the video by the Galery on Instagram!

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