God Save the Queen!
We were almost ready for the Luton exhibition when the idea to make a picture to present to the exhibition organizers, to Luton town arose. And what else could have been the topic of the picture than the Queen who commemorates the 70th jubilee of her reign this year. The first idea was to make a picture using stamps about the Queen herself, but later I dropped this idea. There were so many pictures made already about her but I wanted simply to present something unique. The next idea was the Union Jack. The national flag of the United Kingdom is well known all over the world but it is not so commonly known that its background is given by the blue of the Scottish flag in which the crosses of the patron saints of England, Ireland and Scotland are figured. They are St. George, St. Patrick both red and St. Andrew white colour. Finally, it is not the Union Jack itself which is figured on the picture but one can see its colours painted with the use of English stamps. I used different stamps to paint each part and also hid two unique stamp pieces into the red and blue colours. They figure the parents of the Queen George 6th and Queen Mother and also the Queen’s grandfather George 5th.
The picture was handed over to the representatives of Culture Trust Luton who represented the town itself on a small but moving ceremony which formed part of Luton’s Jubilee Week events. It is a great honour for me that the picture has been placed in the major exhibition place of Luton in the Wardown House, Museum & Gallery.