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Poppy Meadow

poppy-meadow (2).png

I have compiled many stamps with poppies. I like poppies very much. They recollect me the time when I bicycled on the shore of the small river of Berettyo in East-Hungary at first in my childhood alone and later together with my elder son. The smell of the freshly reaped grass and the scene of the poppies give a wonderful feeling not comperably with anything.


When I was a small girl I wanted to take home a brunch of poppies to my mother. I had to lear of course that wild flowers remain to be nice only on the place where they grow in their natural environment, they would not blossom in vases. This was the reason for me to grow my own poppy on the middle of a nice picture.

Size: 23,5 x 46 cms

Status: in private property

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