Whisker Pole
Many countries have issued stamps featuring butterflies. Usually I got one or two pieces of these stamps in my collection as they are not of mass issue. I discovered how nice theese stamps were when I was sorting my stamps again. These stamps made me to remember an experience form years long before from the Butterfly Valley in Rodos. I rememberedt he peaceful walk through the shaded, green valley with its small river and beautiful waterfalls. You are permanently surrounded there by butterflies camouflaging themselves against the tree trunks as you walk up towards the monastery at the top, or rest for a while on one of the wooden benches along the way. It was a wonderful experience.
Thus the idea was born, to feature the butterflies flying around a tree. The shape of the tree forms the wing of the butterflieswhile the blue of the sky and the green of the leaves of the tree offer a wonderful background to the colour cavalcade of the butterflies.