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A word to the world


This picture was made upon the request of Istvan Nador, a school-mate of my husband. We have a common point in our lives, both of us raised a child living with disability. My daughter lives with Down syndrome while their son is an autist. When we visited them last year in Szombathely they took us to the Residential House of the Future and the Occupational House of Today both founded and managed by the Rainchild Foundation. Ten disabled young people live and work here actively and happily without any kind of limitation. This picture is to transmit their message: Do love! What does the word love mean after all? It means acceptance, apprehension and support. And how was the picture made? I painted the words first in the colours of the rainbow. Then I got the question, how to go further? I chose the ballon to be the means of visualization. The balloons fly in the air taking the message of the ten youngsters. One can find Ibolya Voros, Nadorne on the picture as well without whom neither the foundation, nor the residential and occupational houses would not exist. She is not with us already; a malignant illness took her from us but her spirit stays with us forever.

Size:  95 x 75 cm
Status: in private property

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