March 2021 has started and we were preparing ourselves to the Rome exhibition. Our first last year trip was very much memorable as we had the opportunity to meet Pope Francis, his blessing remains with us for the entire of our life. Owing to the pandemic there were only a few tourists in Rome thus it was easy to visit the sights around the city. I wanted to see Castel Sant’ Angelo, place of Puccini’s Tosca, our favourite opera. This time we shall visit Rome for the second time so I cannot arrive empty handed. But what to take with me, what to make a picture about? Maybe Castel Sant’ Angelo painted with stamps? Just to make it would have been too easy! When I read first about the Castel, I learned that it got its name after the plague of the year of 590. Legend holds that the Archangel Michael appeared atop the mausoleum, sheathing his sword as a sign of the end of the plague of 590, thus lending the castle its present name. I connected past and present in my mind. Our world has been fighting against the Corona pandemic, black death of our era for more than a year already. We could only wish if Archangel Michael was with us!
We are in the park surrounding the Castel on the picture. We can see the so much characteristic pine trees while the fence bordering the park is made of a stamp series featuring Italian fortresses. And in the middle of the park there is Archangel Michael who has just arrived to us to overcome the evil.