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Between Sky and Earth…

108_Ég és föld között_Between Sky and Earth (3) (1).png

Having mad my previous picture Hope I was looking for a lighter topic. I was just looking through my stamps as usually in such situations and realized how many stamps I had of the series Hungarian Castles. I remembered to Antal Peter’s words. He told me that many people can simply glue, I had to use the beauty of the stamps. As a first stap I took stamps of a single castle and made circles, but how to go on? Suddenly flying balloons came into my mind but I had to find the necessary stamps to form the gondola of the balloon. It was not easy but I found the Crests of Budapest and the counties series thus I had everything ready to start the painting. I had much to do with gluing and cutting the stamps into small pieces to paint the background and also to figure the ropes. But the real challenge was to shape the picture. 

So, the picture was ready, I had to find the title. I recalled the Summer day when we departed from a lawn in Debrecen for a balloon flight. I was not afraid at all, it was a wonderful feeling to ride between sky and the Earth, to feel the wind and watch my town from above. When I pronounced the title, I thought about I heard Janos Brody’s song sang by Zsuzsa Koncz at once in my ears: “Sail with me together, sail with me between Sky and Earth, lead me through the life, paint the Sun on the grey Moon! Sail with me together, sail with me between Sky and Earth, lead me through the life, sail me to the other coast, oh yes!”

Size: 78 x 46 cm
Status: in private property

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