Size: 34 x 42 cms
Status: in private property
Music embraces you
This picture was made to present it to my husband for Chritsmas. I had found the shape earlier already: the shape of the hands reaching out from the brickwall to embrace the man is not my original idea. When I discovered it on the internet I gave the title „Embrace”. For now I remade it, personalized it for us. My husband is a great music fan. He is not alone in the family, my daughter Zsofi likes music as well. I was happy to find in my big stamp store a block of 1991 issue featuring the portrait of Mozart and a piece of sheet music with his handwriting. To paint the body of the man I used a very nice Swedish stamp. When I was ready with the picture I looked for a good place to hide it. For how long was it here? For one day, I could not keep the secret, I had to show it! This when he arrived home I took the picture and gave the Christmas present to him in November.