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Petofi in Love

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Sandor Petofi, one of Hungary’s most famous and well-known poets was born 200 years ago. Every Hungarian knows how many things he did during his rather short, 26 years long life. He was a restless soul, an actor, poet, man in love, revolutionary. Julia Szendrey was his wife, her name is also famous. It is less widely known that he wrote during his short life some one thousand poems out of which 850 remained to us and can be read nowadays. My mother bought me Petofi’s poem books already in my childhood. My favourites were his love poems maybe also because of the resemblance in our names although I was happy not to be named Julia but Judit Szendrei. I would like to salute Petofi on this anniversary with my own tools. I made a pictures featuring both of them, the man in love and the loved woman banded by the cockade, the symbol of the 1848 revolution. According to the legends it was Julia Szendrey who prepared the first Hungarian cockade. As for me I made first the cockade for which I used stamps issued by the Hungarian Post for the 100th anniversary of the 1848 revolution. It is easy to read the opening line of Petofi’s most well-known poem, the National Song: “Arise Magyar, your country calls!” Each of us knows how Petofi went on: “Now or never, our time compels!; Shall we be slaves? Shall we be free?; These are the questions. Answer me!” The size of the stamp assigned the size of the cockade. In the middle there is a stamp featuring Petofi himself. The end result is a large picture with the figure of the two embracing lovers. For making the white parts I applied my old method, I turned stamps faced down before gluing.  To make the background I used also Hungarian stamps of green colour featuring the Castle of Tata.

Size:  57 x 87 cm
Status: on offer

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