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An encounter of stamps from two countries: Dutch tulips are embraced by pieces of a Hungarian stamp series. When I was in the process of painting, I met an unforeseen hurdle; I ran out of the Hungarian stamps. Some words about these stamps then: they were issued by the Hungarian Post to honour the 3rd Folkloriada Folk Festival. This event called also to be the Olympics of folk art was first organized in Holland, then in Japan and later also in Hungary. Many thousands of dancers arrived from almost one hundred countries to the opening ceremony in the city of Pecs. The stamp sheet itself contains 4 x 10 stamps featuring flitting figures of folk dancers.

I turned to some of my stamp collector friends to help me out. Finally, I received stamps from three sources, from Tibor Mandi, Eva Bencefi-Vaszko and the Hungarian Post. I am very much grateful to them; without their help I could not have been able to paint this picture.

Size:  52 x 43 cm
Status: on offer

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