Size: 38 x 63 cms
Status: on offer
This is the picture the painting part of the process of which was filmed by the Debrecen TV team in the Spring of 2019. It had, however, almost been ready by the filming, as I had started it weeks ago but because of its size I had really much work to paint it. And again the stamps gave me the initial idea, those Hungarian stamps of old issue (years of 1964 and 1986) which featured different fruits. When I came across them I new at once that I would make a picture by using them. The dilemma was how to shape them? As the stamps featured fruits it was a natural idea to present them on a fruit-tree. So the idea of the „wondertree” was born with fruits and flowers on its limbs.
The next question was the background of the tree. What stamps should it been made of? My idea was green just to reflect the symbolics of the leaves. I experimented with a green stamp of the issue of 1986 featuring a mansion. I had a great number of these stamps but I was not brave enough to use them before. Eventually the experiment proved to be succcessful and I think the stamps shaaped in concentric circles make a truly good effect. Prior to making the backgroud I penciled the tree and laid out the fruits which was followed with painting the background. In the process of painting I made slight corrections to the tree permanently. I folded the stamps, I doubled them, I rolled them up as it was necessary to shape the tree. It was not an easy job but finally our wondertree was ready. I wished we had another one in the garden too!