The Spring is Here!
It would have been hard to find out what kind of stamps have this picture been made of at first sight. Its centre piece was made of a Soviet stamp figuring a bird issued in 1975. I received many hundreds of this stamp from my supporters before. I wanted to make use of them for a long time but I did not find the right topic. I was just looking into my stamps when the spring arrived with the intention to make a picture when I pitched upon this bird on the stamp. I was got ahold of the colours. I got the scissors and started to cut them into pieces. I made three parts of each of the stamps forming with each of the three parts of the flower. It seems to be unlikely to make this again! So the three parts of the flower were put together with these small pieces. The green which surrounds the flower head was made of the remaining parts of a Dutch stamp used earlier. I wanted to get hold of the second when the flower pieces from among the leafs surrounding it like the Sun does from behind the clouds and gets amused of the whole world surrounding it.